State-owned Bank of Maharashtra (BoM) on Wednesday said it has raised Rs 348 crore from bonds to fund business growth. The lender raised the funds through private placement of Basel-III compliant tier II bonds, BoM said in a regulatory filing. The paper of face value Rs 1 crore each carries a coupon rate of 8 per cent, it added. The bonds will be listed on the Wholesale Debt Market segment of the BSE.
ICICI likely to issue long-term bonds, Axis mulls infra bond sale
Proceeds may be used to repay debt as well as funding acquisitions and share buybacks, says source
According to bond traders, the RBI's NDS-OM platform suffered technical issues between 9:05 am and 10:08 am IST, which led to trade almost coming to a halt during that period
The telecom operator, which holds a stake in Bharti Airtel, plans to raise funds in three tranches and has invited bids from investors on Friday
'Sectors seeing a pickup range from telecom and power to roads, ports and airports, while lending to non-bank finance companies has also picked up strongly'
In a first ever comprehensive analysis of Municipal finances, it said MCs need to adopt sound and transparent accounting practices with proper monitoring
Total trade volumes in the regular secondary bond market were at Rs 21,150 crore on Thursday
Apart from the special deposit scheme, Bank of India has raised interest rate on its existing 555-days fixed deposit scheme to 6.30 per cent
At 3:30 pm IST on Thursday, the US dollar index was at 110.09 as against 112.02 at the same time on Tuesday
Dealers said Bengal and UP raised amounts via bonds with 15-17 year maturity and cut-off yield above 7.9%; pricing likely to remain under pressure in near term
For tax-efficient exposure, go for target maturity funds maturing in 2026-2028
1-year bond yield logs the sharpest fall in two-and-a-half months
The Rs 10,000 cr cut in govt's mkt borrowing obviates the fear of oversupply of paper that typically builds up around Dec end when govt takes stock of its finances for the year
Call rate closes at highest since October 2019 as liquidity tightens
India needs a vibrant bond market to fuel its growth ambitions but financial repression is keeping investors and issuers away
Stocks of firms in Gautam Adani's business empire -- spanning ports to gas distribution and coal mining -- have jumped in part on soaring energy prices
RBI asked for mkt views on BoP, impact of 75-bps rate hike by US Fed
India may keep its market borrowing plan for the financial year intact, with a recent uptick in revenues likely to lead to a discussion on whether the target can be reduced
Foreign investors held a smaller share of government securities as of September than they did in March