Telecom operator Bharti Airtel on Thursday announced that it has surpassed the 1 million 5G user mark on its network in Mumbai. Airtel recently crossed the 10 million unique customer mark on its 5G network nationally. The Sunil Mittal-led telco said it is well poised to cover every town and key rural areas with Airtel 5G services by end of March 2024. The Airtel statement said it had surpasses 1 million customer mark on its 5G network in Mumbai. "Airtel was the first to roll-out 5G in the country and Mumbai was one among the first 8 cities to get ultra fast Airtel 5G Plus. Today, Airtel's 5G services is available in over 140 cities across the length and breadth of the country," it said. Airtel 5G Plus is currently live in several key locations in Mumbai, including Gateway of India, Nariman Point, Film City, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai Metro junctions of Ghatkopar & Andheri, Chhatrapati Shivaji railway Terminus (CST), among others. Vibhor Gupta, CEO Mumbai, Bharti Airtel, said "We
Bharti Airtel is looking to raise mobile phone call and data rates across all plans this year, telecom firm's Chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal said here. The company last month increased the price of its minimum recharge or the entry-level for the 28-day mobile phone service plan by about 57 per cent to Rs 155 in eight circles. Responding to a PTI query on the need for a tariff hike when the company's balance sheet is healthy, he said the return on capital in the telecom business is very low and a tariff hike is expected this year. "It (tariff hike) will happen across the board," Mittal said at Mobile World Congress (MWC) here on Monday. He said the company has injected a lot of capital that has made the balance sheet strong but the return on capital in the industry is very low. "That needs to change. We are talking of small increments that need to come in the Indian tariff situation. I hope it happens this year," Mittal said. Asked about the impact of price increase on people at the
Bharti Airtel on Wednesday said that its 5G services are now live in all states in the north-east region and existing data plans will work on 5G until the roll-out is complete.
Fewer people upgrading to 5G handsets, says top executive
The size of the market will also depend on which customer segment the players are targeting
Broader point is that tariff must rise and telco will be happy to take the lead, he adds
Bharti Airtel acquired 19,867 MHz, worth Rs 43,084 crore, in the recently concluded spectrum auction
Bharti Airtel on Monday said it is well-positioned to usher in the 5G revolution in India after Sunil Mittal-led telco acquired spectrum worth Rs 43,084 crore in the auction. Airtel acquired 19867.8 MHz spectrum in 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 3300 MHz and 26 GHz frequency bands, bolstering its spectrum holding. "The acquisition of this vast amount of spectrum strapped on to an already industry best existing pool of spectrum will mean that the company does not need to spend any material sum on the spectrum for many years to come," Airtel said in a statement. In addition, the spectrum buy has enabled Airtel to drastically reduce the payout towards spectrum usage charges (SUC) and eliminate the adverse arbitrage compared to new entrants. "Airtel now has the widest mobile broadband footprint across the country, making it well-positioned to usher in the 5G revolution in India," the statement said and claimed it is set to "lead India's 5G revolution". From demonstrating India's first 5
Auctions for 5G spectrum continued for the fifth day on Saturday, after fetching bids worth Rs 1,49,855 crore from players such as Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel so far.
Bharti Airtel chairman Mittal's remuneration fell nearly five per cent in the financial year 2021-22 to Rs 15.39 crore on lower perquisite value, according to the telecom company's annual report
Trial comes ahead of a 5G spectrum auction this month and amid a battle among telecom and IT companies on spectrum allotment for private networks
Google will hold 1.2 per cent of the total post-issue equity shares of the company, Bharti Airtel said
Telecom companies were offered a four-year moratorium on their AGR dues spectrum dues up to FY17, in line with a Supreme Court order
Several Airtel users in India reportedly faced Internet and signal outage on Thursday. However, the company said it has restored the services.
With only "two-and-a-half players" left in the highly competitive domestic telecom sector, the future of battle hardened Bharti Airtel looks good now, its Chairman Sunil Mittal said on Thursday
The company's board approved issuance of non-convertible debt securities, including debentures, bonds to raise Rs 7,500 cr
Bharti Airtel has notified the exchanges that its board will on January 28 consider a proposal for issuance of equity capital through a preferential issue
"Remote work is the norm at the moment," Mittal said. "My own view is one year from now this poll would show a reduced percentage on remote work, and the green economy will get even more momentum."
The partnership with Airtel Nxtra will help Oracle expand the capacity of its India West region, said Garrett Ilg, President, Oracle Japan and Asia Pacific.
Six major automakers commit to phasing out the production of fossil-fuel vehicles around the world by 2040. More in top headlines at this hour.