The BJP on Saturday announced names of 107 candidates for the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls and fielded Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath from Gorakhpur city. The party has named candidates for the seats going to the polls in the first two phases. The list was released by the BJP's Uttar Pradesh in-charge and Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan along with the party general secretary Arun Singh during a press conference at the party's headquarters here. Pradhan said Adityanath will be the BJP's candidate from Gorakhpur City and Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya from Sirathu. Adityanath was a five-term Lok Sabha member from Gorakhpur. He and Maurya are currently members of the state's Legislative Council. "The BJP has provided welfare and sensitive governance in Uttar Pradesh in the last five years. We are confident that the people of UP will again bless us in this great festival of 2022 with the same clarity," the BJP tweeted quoting Pradhan. Elections for the 403-member Uttar
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With the ruling BJP fiercely defending its throne and the opposition Congress desperate to avenge its 2017 humilation, a do-or-die battle is on the cards on February 14
BJP has decided to contest 38 out of the total 40 Assembly seats in the state, where elections will be held next month, a senior party functionary said on Friday
BJP has shortlisted the names of candidates for 40 seats for the 2022 Goa Assembly elections for recommendation to the party's parliamentary board, said BJP's party's in-charge for Goa CT Ravi
Maurya represents the new strain in the BJP
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Former executive councillor Phunchok Stanzin was on Sunday appointed the new president of the BJP's Ladakh unit, replacing Jamyang Tsering Namgyal
Uttar Pradesh to go to poll in 7 phases from Feb 10-March 7; Punjab, Uttarakhand and Goa to vote on February 14 and Manipur to vote on Feb 27 and March 3
The letter requested the PM to stand firm and lead the country away from those seeking to divide the nation
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BJP national president JP Nadda postponed his West Bengal visit amid the surge in Covid-19 cases in the state
Hyderabad police on Tuesday denied permission to a rally by BJP national president J.P. Nadda to protest against the arrest of party's Telangana unit president and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar.
There are 55 functioning PHCs in the state's rural areas, and four in urban areas
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