As for Serum Institute of India's Covishield approval, the drug regulator has mentioned in conditions to be met that the firm has to submit an India-specific risk management plan
Congress leader Manish Tewari said that emergency use authorisation to Covid-19 vaccine 'Covaxin' raises concerns on its efficacy as phase three trials have not been completed
The first batch of Oxford Covishield vaccine containing 2.64 lakh doses reached the Delhi's central storage facility at RGSSH on Tuesday amid high security, officials earlier said
With SII dispatching the Covishield vaccine to 13 cities on Tuesday, the countdown to the vaccination day has begun, and hospitals are getting ready to administer the first shots.
Bharat Biotech said on Wednesday that it has successfully air-shipped its COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin to 11 cities in India in the early hours
The first consignment of Covaxin developed by Bharat Biotech is being carried via flight from Hyderabad to Delhi on Wednesday, officials informed
These sectors will face another tough year after coronavirus pandemic, the first challenge being vaccination of India's 1.3 billion people. Devangshu Datta explains the opportunities and threats
The jabs will be administered beginning January 16
Quantum of doses to be exported not known
People can't choose between Covishield & Covaxin, says govt; vaccine to take effect two weeks after the second dose
The government hinted that for now, the Covid vaccine recipients will not have the option to choose from the two vaccines approved for restricted emergency use
District-wise cold chain points are ready. A total of 45 vehicles will transport vaccines to health unit districts
Write to PM and health minister, call for an independent inquiry
The firm clarified that the death was unrelated to the vaccine and the probable cause of death was cardio respiratory failure as a result of suspected poisoning
The government is in the final stages of due diligence to ink a supply deal with Serum Institute of India and Bharat Biotech, which have got approval for emergency use of their vaccines
The Phase-1 trials will be conducted in Saint Louis University's Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit
Dry ice, which is used to pack the vaccine, transforms into carbon dioxide gas at temperatures higher than -78 degrees Celsius and is therefore classified as "dangerous goods" by ICAO
Laws governing compensation in case of adverse side effects for Covaxin and Covishield may differ in accordance with the kind of approvals given, say legal experts
Government has asked airlines to get ready to transport 30 tonnes of vaccines immediately