The regulator, auditor and management should be held responsible for fraud in Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank or other banks, Minister of State for Finance Anurag Thakur said on Thursday. Thakur said that in case of PMC Bank, the Reserve Bank of India has allowed withdrawal of Rs 40,000, which covers around 77 per cent of the affected people and they have been assured of up to Rs 1 lakh. "As far as the PMC Bank or any other bank is concerned, it is the job of the regulators first to look into those issues. It is the auditor, who should be held responsible. It is the management of the bank who are dealing on a day to day basis and if any one is involved in fraud, ED has taken action. People have been arrested. Their properties have been attached," Thakur said at Times Network India Economic Conclave event. He was responding to queries on crisis at PMC Bank and depositors under stress. Thakur said the BJP government has brought in reforms to make balance sheet of banks healt
The total value, under the provisional order for attachment, is Rs 4,025.23 crore.
Given the extent of current nervousness in the financial system, it would be a bad idea to let this problem linger for even six months
The bank misled auditors of the RBI by replacing legacy accounts of the company with dummy accounts, dating back to 2008
The FIRs will be filed at the Economic Offence Wing (EOW) of the Mumbai police
This development will instill a sense of protection among bankers from prosecution for genuine decisions, and promote lending
The average time gap in the date of occurrence of fraud and its detection was 22 months, the RBI said in its annual report
Among bank groups, PSBs, which constitute the largest market share in bank lending, have accounted for the bulk of frauds reported in 2018-19. It was followed by private sector banks and foreign banks
At present, once loans are disbursed by a consortium, banks are dependent on rating agencies and information provided by the company to assess the end use of loans as well as financial health of firm
It was alleged that they fabricated documents and caused a loss of Rs 1 cr to the bank
Earlier this month, Punjab National Bank (PNB) said it had reported a borrowing fraud of Rs 3805 crore in Bhushan Power's account to the Reserve Bank of India
The year 2016-17 witnessed reporting of 3,927 cases of fraud involving amount of Rs 25,883.99 crore, which was the highest in the last 11 years
The searches are being conducted in Delhi, Mumbai, Ludhiana, Thane, Valsad, Pune, Palani, Gaya, Gurugram, Chandigarh, Bhopal, Surat and Kolar among others
Within days of anti-corruption bureau action against J&K Bank, the Income-Tax Department Tuesday initiated probe into the alleged irregularities and conducted searches at 10 premises on a business firm of a senior Srinagar municipal corporation functionary, officials said. Tax sleuths raided eight premises in Jammu and Kashmir's summer capital Srinagar and one each in Delhi and Bengaluru of the Kehwah group, promoted by Sheikh Imran, the deputy mayor of the corporation. In the Kashmir Valley, the searches are being conducted in the Bohri Kadal area of downtown Srinagar and seven other nearby locations, they said. The action is linked to the recently unearthed alleged irregularities in the bank's affairs and the raids conducted by the state anti-corruption bureau (ACB), they said. They alleged that the Kehwah group, with Imran as its chairman, is facing default proceedings after 23 of its accounts with the J-K Bank were declared non-performing assets for dues of over about Rs 120 ..
There is a need for timely recognition and reporting to reduce their economic costs and to address the vulnerabilities in a proactive and timely manner, RBI said in its Financial Stability Report
In that period, Indian Overseas Bank reported 1,115 frauds involving Rs 12,644.7 crore, while Oriental Bank of Commerce 1040 cases of Rs 5,598.23 crore
In the FIR filed on basis of the complaint from Union Bank of India, the CBI has named the company, Mehta, Bombay Diamonds Company Pvt Ltd and Obeidah as accused
The ministry said proactive measures undertaken by the government in past few months have led to increase in detection and reporting of bank frauds
RBI's latest report suggests that if the Nirav Modi scam were left out, the quantum of frauds would have risen by just Rs 38 bn in 2017-18 YoY, even lower than the Rs 52 bn increase in 2016-17
Public sector banks accounted for a majority of frauds during the year