The boards of individual banks can decide on waiving the penalty on accounts, which do not maintain a minimum balance, Union Minister of State for Finance Bhagwant Kishanrao Karad on Wednesday said. "Banks are independent bodies. They have boards which can take a decision to waive off the penalty," Karad told reporters here. The minister was responding to a question if the Centre would consider directing banks not to charge any penalty from the accounts where the balance falls below the prescribed minimum levels. Karad was on a two-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir to review the implementation of various financial schemes in the Union Territory. The minister said the banks in Jammu and Kashmir had done a good job over the years and directed them to improve their performance on those parameters where they are lagging behind the national average. "I have told the banks in Jammu and Kashmir to hold Saturday camps to bring the percentage of Jan Dhan Yojana accounts closer to the national
Jebaraj handles verticals for large and mid-sized corporates, trade finance and NPA management and he has been a member of internal committees for more than a decade, said IDBI Bank
Lender was aiming to raise Rs 127 crore for growth plans
Anand joined Axis AMC in 2009 and was its founding MD and CEO. He subsequently went on to become the President (Retail Banking) of Axis Bank in 2013 and then joined the bank's board in 2016
The former RBI governor said bank boards needed more independence