Tata Motors on Thursday said it has launched a new variant of its small commercial vehicle (SCV), the Ace Gold Petrol CX, with price starting at Rs 3.99 lakh (ex-showroom). Available in two variants, the flat bed variant is priced at Rs 3.99 lakh, while the half deck load body variant is tagged at Rs 4.10 lakh. Tata Motors said it has partnered with the State Bank of India to provide finance options to its customers to buy the model. "The Tata Ace continues to be a strong, reliable and multipurpose vehicle having provided means of livelihood to over 23 lakh Indians to date. Resonating the Government's Aatmanirbhar Bharat vision, Tata Motors aims to inspire an entrepreneurial mindset through the launch of this vehicle," Tata Motors Vice President (Product Line SCV and PU) Vinay Pathak said. The Tata Motors' Ace platform has exponentially evolved over the last 16 years, focusing on bringing safer, smarter and valuable offerings to its customers in last-mile transportation, he ...
The Mumbai-based auto major sells a range of passenger vehicles like Tiago, Nexon, Harrier and Safari in the domestic market.
Any duty rate cut by the government on imported electric vehicles would be very beneficial, says firm
The 118-year-old American brand, which has been steadily losing U.S. market share amid declining retail sales for six years, has shifted focus back to big bikes
Toyota Kirloskar Motor on Friday said it has inked a pact with the Karnataka government for imparting industry-specific skill, culture and knowledge to the Industrial Training Institute (ITI) students
The investment for the first unit would be to the tune of Rs 5,000-Rs 7,000 crore
Three-wheeler sales declined to 9,397 units last month as against 10,300 units in the same period last year
A shortage of automotive chips that began late last year as consumer demand for personal devices soared amid pandemic lockdowns has persisted through 2021
With unlocking and a normal monsoon, industry expects sales momentum to continue, commodity price a worry
The midsize SUV will account for eight out of every ten models that the company will sell in India
The prices will increase by up to Rs 3,000
Maruti Suzuki was the top-performing index stock as it rose over 4 per cent after the company said it would be raising vehicle prices in the July-September quarter
Global carmakers such as Renault-Nissan, Hyundai Motor Co and others may operate with their full workforces in India's automaking hub from Sunday, despite worker protests over safety in the pandemic.
The Korean car-maker's rebranding just two years after entering India points to ambitions beyond cars
The company has claimed that the last 50,000 units have been rolled out in less than six months, as demand has outpaced supply and production has been hampered due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Automaker Kia India on Tuesday reported a 31 per cent decline in dispatches to dealers at 11,050 units in May compared to 16,111 units in April this year
Major automobile manufacturers like Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Motors and Toyota Kirloskar on Tuesday reported decline in domestic passenger vehicle sales in May compared to the previous month as a spike in COVID-19 cases and lockdowns across various states hit production and dispatches. The country's largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki India (MSI), which shut production from May 1 to May 16 so as to divert oxygen from industrial use for medical purposes, reported domestic dispatches to dealers at 35,293 units last month, down 75 per cent from 1,42,454 units in April. The company said sales of its mini cars, comprising Alto and S-Presso, declined by 81 per cent to 4,760 units in May as against 25,041 units in April this year. Sales of compact segment vehicles, including Swift, Celerio, Ignis, Baleno and Dzire, declined by 72 per cent to 20,343 units from 72,318 cars in April. Likewise, utility vehicle sales, including Vitara Brezza, S-Cross and Ertiga, declined ..
Daimler said it is supporting its employees with its health programmes, adding that it will pay workers their full salaries for the non-production period
Hyundai Motor reported total sales of 30,703 units in May, a decline of 48% from 59,203 units it had sold in April this year as coronavirus-induced restrictions across states hit dispatches to dealers
Yamaha Motor India said it has cut ex-showroom prices of its FZS 25 and FZ 25 bikes in the country with immediate effect on account of reduction in the input costs of the two models