Auto parts maker and supplier Varroc Engineering on Friday reported narrowing of net loss to Rs 84.51 crore on a consolidated basis in the June quarter. The company had posted a net loss of Rs 229.28 crore in the year-ago period, according to a regulatory filing. Revenue from continued operations surged 36.25 per cent to Rs 1,628.28 crore in the latest June quarter. The same stood at Rs 1,194.99 crore in the corresponding quarter of FY22. The first quarter of FY23 has started with a stable outlook for automotive on back of a forecast of a normal monsoon. The growth is visible mainly due to low base, Varroc Engineering CMD Tarang Jain said in a statement. Semiconductor supply issues continue to impact premium two-wheeler manufacturers whereas passenger vehicle manufacturers are seeing improved supplies, he noted. "Geopolitical issues have resulted in higher energy cost as well as food inflation which is forcing most of the central banks to hike interest rates at a pace which has no
The company, a key supplier for automakers Nissan Motor Co. and Stellantis NV, is now seeking to select a sponsor and finalize a plan next month
Growth in client volumes of Motherson Sumi and easing up of supply chain issues could be triggers.
Revenue for Q2 went up 78% to Rs 911 crore from Rs 511 crore during the July-to-September period of 2020-21
Auto components maker MM Forgings Ltd (MMF) on Saturday said it has acquired one of the large independent suppliers of machined crankshafts CAFOMA Autoparts
Icra cited the impact of semiconductor shortage on domestic vehicle manufacturers as well as on exports revenues
It would also reduce imports from countries like China, Taiwan and South Korea and facilitate foreign collaborators to set up manufacturing footprint in India
"We will always promote localisation," Deepak Jain, ACMA president told reporters on Tuesday, when asked about the industry body's views on Tesla's demand
Indian auto component industry is expected to post 20-23 per cent revenue growth in the current fiscal aided by strong exports and recovery in the domestic market, as per rating agency Icra.
The sector is taking a hit from disruptions caused by the second wave of Covid
The company said it expects that listing of the equity shares will enhance its visibility and brand image and provide liquidity to shareholders.
Daimler said it is supporting its employees with its health programmes, adding that it will pay workers their full salaries for the non-production period
SKF India on Monday announced COVID-19 support for employees and their immediate family members in the unfortunate event of an employee succumbing to the coronavirus infection
The initial public offer of auto component maker Craftsman Automation received 55 per cent subscription on the first day of bidding on Monday.
After being stalled by the economic slowdown and the pandemic, growth is accelerating rapidly for the industry
With a built-up area of 23,708 sq mt, the facility in Chennai has an annual production capacity of 80,000 engines
The firm reported a consolidated net loss of Rs 210.45 crore in the third quarter ended December 31, 2020
Multiple auto part packaging samples have tested positive for the novel coronavirus in various parts of China after a company engaged in auto part sales reported a confirmed Covid-19 case
Ratings agency ICRA on Tuesday said it has revised its outlook on the auto component industry from negative to stable, on the back of demand revival across original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), replacements and exports. ICRA expects the domestic auto component industry's revenue to grow 16-18 per cent in the financial year starting April 2021, supported by factors such as increasing content per vehicle, low base effect, and higher realisations. Long-term demand drivers include increased focus on localised supply chains by Indian OEMs. Diversification of supply chain risk by global OEMs is also expected to lead to increased sourcing from India in the coming years, ICRA said in a statement. OEMs, which account for over 56 per cent of the auto component demand, have recorded a sharp increase in demand since September across all segments, barring the medium and heavy commercial vehicle (M&HCV) industry, it added. Volumes of the automotive industry will take 2-3 years to revert to ..
The sector, which had a production loss of about 750,000 units, currently has unsold inventory worth Rs 20,000 crore