The top two carmakers in India, Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai, led the recovery in the auto market in August with 20.2 per cent and 19.9 per cent increase in their respective domestic wholesales of passenger vehicles during the month. Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) also saw its domestic passenger vehicle sales grow by 1 per cent last month, while Toyota Kirloskar Motor witnessed a decline in its passenger vehicle sales, although there was improvement over the preceding months since the gradual reopening of the economy. The country's largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) said its domestic sales increased by 20.2 per cent to 1,16,704 units last month, as against 97,061 units in August 2019. The company's total sales grew by 17.1 per cent, an increase at 1,24,624 units in August as compared to 1,06,413 units in August last year. MSI's sales of mini cars comprising Alto and S-Presso stood at 19,709 units as compared to 10,123 units in the same month last year, up 94.7 per cent. Sales .
Weaning the auto-components industry off Chinese imports will be a bigger challenge than what the government expects
Bajaj Auto and its suppliers source components, including alloy wheels and transmission components worth Rs 1000 crore from China
Firm lags its peer Amara Raja in Q4 & FY20
The company remains optimistic on the long-term growth prospects of the domestic two-wheeler industry
Components makers are reinventing their business to transform and survive in a post-Covid world
Car makers had to overhaul the entire manufacturing ecosystem to ensure calibration that fits in well with the technology choices
The absence of various manufacturers from the show was compensated by the Chinese companies
Analysts point out that competition in India is lower than in America or Europe
The Indian car rental industry has grown at a CAGR of 24.6% during 2015-19 as new-age millennial consumers prefer experiences over ownership
Domestic automobile industry's sales volume fell 12 per cent in June 2019 over the same month last year on weak consumer sentiments owing to the slowing economy
SBI is one of the biggest credit providers to auto dealers and individuals (auto loans), the bank said in a statement
US trade pact is prompting foreign auto makers to rethink supply chains to meet potential restrictions