Its total consolidated revenue from operations rose over 29 per cent to Rs 1,399.02 crore, taking its assets under management (AUM) to Rs 24,099.95 crore, up 35.52 per cent.
Fund managers attributed growth in the asset base to higher retail participation and robust inflows in equity schemes and liquid funds
Given the focus on safety and quality, the task of choosing money managers in the debt category was tougher than that for equity funds
Given the recent credit events and equity market volatility, the going may not be easy for fund houses
After massive redemption, exposure to poor-quality, illiquid papers can rise to unacceptably high levels
Assets under management (AUM) of India-dedicated funds have slid by about a fifth in the past year
Many have mutual fund assets which are less than 2% of economic output
However, SEBI does not specify the credit profile of the funds
Category could emerge larger as Sebi seeks ways to reduce risks in liquid schemes
For the 12-month ended June 2018, FPI outflows stood at $500 million