More than nine years after a former disciple of Asaram Bapu lodged a case of rape against him during her earlier stay in his ashram, a court in Gandhinagar on Monday convicted the self-styled godman and is likely to pronounce the sentence on Tuesday. Sessions court judge DK Soni acquitted six other accused, including Asaram's wife Laxmiben, their daughter, and four disciples who were accused of aiding and abetting the crime, for want of evidence, the prosecution said. Asaram's lawyer said the session court's order will be challenged in the Gujarat High Court. Notably, the victim's younger sister was raped and illegally confined by Asaram's son Narayan Sai. Sai was sentenced to life imprisonment by a sessions court in Surat in April 2019 in the rape case filed against him by his former disciple in 2013. As per the FIR (First Information Report) registered at Chandkheda police station in Ahmedabad on October 6, 2013, against Asaram Bapu and six others, the self-styled godman had rape
Asaram is seeking a 30-day temporary bail to attend to his ailing wife
Asaram has been sentenced to life imprisonment until his death by a Jodhpur court for raping a minor in 2013. Another case of alleged sexual exploitation on 2 Surat-based sisters remains pending
With the Asaram rape case verdict due in Jodhpur today, the Centre has asked Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana to beef up security and maintain law and order
Jodhpur Police said that Section 144 will be imposed in the area until April 30 due to Asaram rape case verdict