In a tragic incident, a Sukhoi and a Mirage-2000 aircraft of the Indian Air Force crashed in Madhya Pradesh's Morena district following an accident during a routine training mission on Saturday, killing a pilot. Officials said the two pilots of the Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft ejected safely while the pilot of the Mirage-2000 lost his life. "Two fighter aircraft of IAF were involved in an accident near Gwalior today morning," the IAF said in a statement. It said the aircraft were on a routine operational flying training mission. "One of the three pilots involved, sustained fatal injuries. An inquiry has been ordered to determine the cause of the accident," the IAF said. Defence Ministry sources said Defence Minister Rajnath Singh was briefed by Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal V R Chaudhari on the crash of two IAF aircraft. Singh is monitoring the developments closely, the sources said.
Over 400 Mig-21 fighter aircrafts have crashed since 1971-72 claiming the lives of more than 200 pilots and another 50 people on the ground, according to a news report
A V-22 Osprey aircraft, with no nuclear material on board, crashed in southern California on Wednesday, a Marine Corps spokesperson told Sputnik.The spokesperson added that he could not confirm any casualties as a result of the crash, however, as per local media, at least four people on board the Marine Corps aircraft are dead."I can confirm there was a V-22 (Osprey) crash in Glamis, California. There was no nuclear material on board. We don't have any additional information," the spokesperson said on Wednesday.An aircraft belonging to the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, based out of San Diego, California crashed about 30 miles north of the Mexican border, near Highway 78 and the town of Glamis, Naval Air Facility El Centro confirmed on its Facebook page, Sputnik reported, citing sources.The responder's radio calls from the scene indicated there may have been nuclear materials on board the helicopter, Sputnik added to which the Marine Corps later responded and debunked the speculations, ...
The U.S. Navy says it has recovered an F-35C Lightning II aircraft that crashed while attempting to land on an aircraft carrier in the South China Sea in January
The aircraft was on a routine training sortie when it crashed off the Goa coast around 10.30 am, he said
The denouement of the recent Hollywood blockbuster Sully is a courtroom drama with a difference