Aditya Birla Group on Friday committed Rs 25,000 crore investment across its various businesses in Uttar Pradesh. Speaking at Global Investors Summit here, Kumar Mangalam Birla said the investment would go into various businesses like cement, metals, chemicals, financial services and renewable energy. The Mumbai-based group's seven businesses have a significant presence in Uttar Pradesh, anchored by over 30,000 employees with an overall investment of Rs 40,000 crore, he noted. When it comes to building new-age infrastructure or providing efficient governance Uttar Pradesh is creating an example for other states to follow, Birla said. In the process, it is creating immense opportunities for investors, both in India and abroad, he added. "As an early investor in the industrial journey of the state, we feel enthused by the rapid progress that the state is making. Today, the state can rightly be considered one of the key states driving India's journey towards a USD 5 trillion economy.
The publicly-traded company has held talks with potential buyers about a sale of Aditya Birla Insurance Brokers Ltd. as it failed to scale up the 19-year-old business
He said the group has already spent about $3.5 billion in the past two years across various businesses
Idea fall may be knee-jerk reaction; most of group's M&As making money after years of being in red
The group has over 7,000 points of sale across over 375 cities and towns