Adani Power's consolidated net profit jumped to Rs 4,645.47 crore in the March quarter from Rs 13.13 crore in the year-ago period, mainly on the back of higher revenues. Total income of the company rose to Rs 13,307.92 crore in the quarter ended on March 31, 2022 from Rs 6,902.01 crore in the same period a year ago, it said in a statement on Thursday. The consolidated net profit for 2021-22 climbed to Rs 4,911.58 crore from Rs 1,269.98 crore in 2020-21. Last fiscal, the company's total income increased to Rs 31,686.47 crore from Rs 28,149.68 crore in the same period a year ago. Gautam Adani, Chairman of Adani Group said that availability of reliable power supply to various sectors across the nation is critical to economic growth. "The Adani Group stands committed to fulfilling India's energy needs in a sustainable, reliable, and affordable manner. Our diversified presence across the energy value chain helps us ensure that this vital input is always available to power the economy,
With Rs 1.05 trillion, Adani Power is the sixth Adani Group company which has touched the Rs 1-trillion m-cap milestone
Tata Elxsi, Jindal Steel seen as inclusion candidates; move could see a churn of Rs 6,900 crore by funds tracking the index
Adani Power's market cap was at Rs 99,972 crore as of 10:19 am on Friday, the BSE data shows
Shares of Adani Group companies traded higher by up to 16 per cent on the BSE on Monday, extending their last week's rally
Shares of power distribution companies are in demand amid reports of rising electricity consumption in the country
Adani Wilmar, Adani Power, and Adani Total Gas are expected to see up to 18 per cent upside in the coming sessions
The boards of directors of Adani Enterprises, Adani Transmission and Adani Green are scheduled to meet on Friday, April 8, 2022 to consider the proposal for raising of funds.
Adani Power had signed an agreement with the Rajasthan discoms in March 2008 to set up a 1,200 MW coal-based power project near Kawai in Baran district at a cost of Rs 6,000 crore
Adani Wilmar has surged 61% in the last one month; Adani Total Gas and Adani Enterprises rallied 35 per cent and 33 per cent, respectively.
India's power consumption has grown steadily at 4.6% YoY in March to 126.12 billion units, showing the impact of early onset of summers and easing of lockdown restrictions by states.
Last week, the company approved an amalgamation scheme for the merger of its six wholly-owned subsidiaries with itself
Adani Power on Tuesday said its board has approved an amalgamation scheme for the merger of its six wholly-owned subsidiaries with itself.
This will aim to promote energy cooperation between Japan and India through diverse and realistic energy transitions utilising all energy sources and technologies
Shares of Oil India will be in focus as the company has approved investment of Rs 6,555 crore in its subsidiary Numaligarh Refinery.
Adani Power on Wednesday said it has completed the acquisition of Essar Power's 1,200 MW thermal power project in Mahan, Madhya Pradesh. The cost of acquisition of Essar Power M P Ltd, which is undergoing insolvency resolution, is over Rs 4,250 crore, including estimated cost of compliance with environmental and emission norms, it said in a regulatory filing. "Adani Power Limited has completed today the acquisition of 100 per cent of paid up share capital and management control of EPMPL (Essar Power M P Ltd), a company undergoing insolvency resolution under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code," it said. EPMPL owns a 1,200 MW thermal power plant in Singrauli District, Madhya Pradesh. In June 2021, Adani Power had emerged as the successful bidder for the 1,200 MW project.
Shares of Adani Power are likely to be in focus as the company received a favourable verdict from the Supreme Court against power discoms in Rajasthan.
Taking serious note of the power disruption in Mumbai, a rare occurrence, the Maharashtra government has ordered a high-level probe
Adani is fighting multiple court battles against states including Rajasthan, and Haryana, seeking compensatory tariffs that reflect the cost of the pricier imported coal it uses to fire its plants
Adani group stocks have been in limelight post the stupendous listing of Adani Wilmar four days ago.