Gautam Adani-led group's flagship firm Adani Enterprises Ltd on Wednesday said it has raised Rs 5,985 crore from anchor investors ahead of its follow on public offering. The company has decided to allot a total of 1,82,68,925 equity shares to 33 funds at Rs 3,276 apiece, taking the transaction size to Rs 5,985 crore, according to a circular uploaded on the BSE website. Foreign investors who have been allocated shares include Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, BNP Paribas Arbitrage, Societe Generale, Goldman Sachs Investment (Mauritius) Ltd, Morgan Stanley Asia (Singapore) Pte, Nomura Singapore Ltd and Citigroup Global Markets Mauritius. A slew of domestic institutional investors, including LIC, SBI Life Insurance Company, HDFC Life Insurance Company and State Bank Of India Employees Pension Fund, also participated in the anchor book. The Rs 20,000 crore-Follow On Public Offering (FPO) of the company is slated to open on January 27 and close on January 31. It will sell shares in the pr
The FPO is targeted to create wealth for the retail shareholders, says Gautam Adani
Ravish Kumar has been an integral part of NDTV for more than two decades and has been conferred with the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay award and Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Award twice
The face value of each Adani Enterprises share would be Rs 1 each and the approval of the shareholders would be taken via postal ballot
Billionaire Gautam Adani's group has attracted a lot of scrutiny over its debt-heavy balance sheet and not enough appreciation of its cash-flow generation ability, according to M&G Investments
The court, however, said the question of ownership of land on which the airport is still to be decided.
The stock rallies of Gautam Adani's companies, which expanded his fortune at a pace that outran all other billionaires globally, is set for a reversal, according to a technical indicator
The company was also in focus after it said it was considering increasing its public float
The Adani group holds 63.15 per cent in Ambuja Cements and 56.69 per cent in ACC (of which 50.05 per cent is held through Ambuja Cements)
The Odisha government on Wednesday accorded in-principle approval to 10 major industrial projects worth 74,620.18 crore, including Adani Enterprises Limited Alumina Refinery
Adani Enterprises (AEL) is pegged to replace Kolkata-based Shree Cement in the Nifty 50 index, a gauge for the performance of India's capital market
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Gautam Adani, chairman, Adani Group said, he is confident the company will produce the world's least expensive green hydrogen
The firm placed 6 tenders & received technical bids from 4 players - Ahmedabad-based Adi Tradelink, Chennai-based Chettinad Logistics, and Delhi-based Mohit Minerals Ltd along with Adani Enterprises
Adani Enterprises Ltd on Wednesday announced divestment of its entire stake in DC Development Hyderabad Pvt Ltd and Naida Data Center (NDCL) to AdaniConnex Pvt Ltd. Consequently, DC Development Hyderabad and NDCL have ceased to be wholly-owned subsidiaries of the company, Adani Enterprises said in a filing to BSE. "The company has divested its 100 per cent stake in DC Development Hyderabad Private Ltd and Naida Data Center Ltd, wholly owned subsidiary (WoS) companies on 22nd February, 2022 to AdaniConnex Private Limited," the filing said. AdaniConnex is 50 per cent joint venture company of AEL with EdgeConneX Europe B.V.
Mixed signals: Maharashtra govt raises alarm, but generating stations claim supply is under control
In the month of May, shares of the Adani Group firm outperformed the benchmark index and surged 13.6 per cent on the BSE
Despite requests from respondent advocates to not take up the matter, Dave in his letter alleged the matter was heard on May 24 by Justice Mishra and Shah and judgment reserved in the same
A green group has asked the Supreme Court of Queensland to review the environmental approval granted to Indian firm.