Air conditioning and commercial refrigeration major Blue Star aims to grow its revenue to Rs 10,000 crore in the medium term and plans to enter North American and European markets, according to the latest annual report of the company. The company is now gearing up for the next phase of growth and as part of that, is focusing on building scale. The next phase of growth will see Blue Star becoming a more eminent player on the international front and consolidate its position in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia regions with deeper market penetration and the introduction of innovative products and solutions, said Vice Chairman & Managing Director Vir S Advani. "We have set more ambitious goals to expand our global footprint with a strategy to enter North America and Europe as an Original Design & Manufacturing (ODM) solutions provider," said Advani while addressing shareholders. Besides, Blue Star will further strengthen its R&D and innovation capabilities and deploy the
With the markets turning range-bound, investors are looking for bottom-up investment opportunities
It makes a business more profitable, Singh tells Shubhomoy Sikdar
The company had sold 3.1 lakh room ACs last fiscal