In a bizarre case of cyber fraud, a group of fraudsters allegedly procured PAN details of several Bollywood actors and cricketers from their GST Identification Numbers which are available online, and got credit cards issued in their names from Pune-based fintech startup 'One Card'. Some of the celebrities whose names and details were used by the fraudsters are Abhishek Bachchan, Shilpa Shetty, Madhuri Dixit, Emraan Hashmi and Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Shahadra Rohit Meena said. "Since investigation into the matter is underway, we cannot comment further on it," Meena told PTI. The company got wind of the fraud subsequently but not before the fraudsters used some of these cards to purchase products worth Rs 21.32 lakh. It immediately alerted the Delhi Police which swung into action and arrested five of them. The five accused, identified as Puneet, Mohd Asif, Sunil Kumar, Pankaj Mishar and Vishwa Bhaskar Sharma, acted in close coordination to defraud
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, called on megastar Amitabh Bachchan at the latter's residence in Mumbai and sought his support for the National Road Safety Mission
Himachal Pradesh police here have registered an FIR after it came to light that two e-passes, which are mandatory for anyone seeking to enter state, have been issued in the names of Trump and Bachchan
Actor Abhishek Bachchan on Saturday said that he has tested negative for Covid-19
Since his diagnosis, Amitabh has been regularly updating his admirers about his health on social media
Amitabh, 77, and Abhishek, 44, revealed their diagnosis on Twitter on July 11, saying they were in the isolation ward of Nanavati Hospital
Amitabh, 77, and Abhishek, 44, revealed their diagnosis on Twitter on July 11, saying they were in the isolation ward of Nanavati Hospital
On Sunday, Amitabh's daughter-in-law, actor Aishwarya, 46, and her eight-year-old daughter Aaradhya also tested positive for Covid-19
However, Amitabh's wife Jaya Bachchan has tested negative
People in northern and western India were conducting Hindu prayer rituals for the Bachchan family, social media and television footage showed
After Amitabh Bachchan and his son Abhishek Bachchan, actor Aishwarya Rai and her daugher Aaradhya have also tested positive for the coronavirus
On Sunday, a team from the civic body visited Bachchan's bungalows - Janak, Jalsa and Pratiksha for sanitisation and contact tracing.
Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said the test results of other members of the Bachchan family will be out on Sunday.
Akshay Kumar's 'Laxxmi Bomb', 'Sadak 2', featuring Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt-starrer 'Bhuj: The Pride of India' are among the films that are headed for a direct release
Abhishek said streaming services are currently the most "buzzing medium" and he was excited to be a part of it
I am so proud that Kabaddi has passed every hurdle, says the actor