The firm said it had a backlog of Rs 8,676 crore as of September, including new orders of Rs 2,967 crore in the quarter
The project includes a 600 kW rooftop solar photovoltaic field and a Power Store Battery grid stabilising system
The technology helps reduce low frequency noise and vibrations, and allows the crew to maintain diesel engines while the ship is berthed
The company pioneered manufacturing of solar inverters in India with the state-of-art Bengaluru factory in 2012
Operating profit margin improved to 8.2%; order inflows need to accelerate for stock re-rating
Total revenue for the April-June quarter stood at Rs 2,102 crore against Rs 1,932 crore last year, registering a growth of 8.79%
Large orders remain scarce, sees business from upgradation programmes
Total income increased to Rs 2,015.08 crore for the quarter ended March 31, 2016