BSE : 530819
Sector : Others
ISIN Code : INE383C01018
Market Cap (₹ Cr) | - |
Traded Value (₹ Cr) | 0.00 |
Volume (Shares) | - |
52-Week High (₹) | 0.00 |
52-Week High Date | - |
52-Week Low (₹) | 0.00 |
52-Week Low Date | - |
All Time High (₹) | 98.00 |
All Time High Date | 06-Nov-1995 |
All Time Low (₹) | - |
All Time Low Date | - |
Scheme Name | Amount Invested (₹ Cr) | No Of Shares | Net Asset (%) |
Data Not Found |
Date | Broker | Action | Prices(₹) | Report |
Data Not Found |
Year Low/High (₹) | 0.00 0.00 |
All time Low/High (₹) | 3.40 98.00 |
Period | BSE | NSE | SENSEX | NIFTY |
1 Week | - | - | 22.97% | 27.64% |
1 Month | - | - | 19.03% | 23.24% |
3 Month | - | - | 19.93% | 24.47% |
6 Month | - | - | 25.04% | 29.23% |
1 Year | - | - | 24.11% | 27.96% |
3 Year | - | - | 82.98% | 91.93% |
5. Is the Xedd Telecom Ltd profitable?
On a consolidated basis, Xedd Telecom Ltd reported a loss of Rs -0.02 crore on a total income of Rs 0.00 crore for the quarter ended 2001. For the year ended Sep 2001, Xedd Telecom Ltd had posted a loss of Rs -0.02 crore on a total income of Rs 0.00 crore.
6. Which are Xedd Telecom Ltd’s peers in the Others sector?
Xedd Telecom Ltd’s top 5 peers in the Others sector are Chambal Brewer, Pradhin, Vega Jewellers.
7. Who owns how much in Xedd Telecom Ltd?
Key changes to the Xedd Telecom Ltd shareholding are as follows: