₹4.47-0.23 (-4.89%)
16:01 PM, 12-Mar-2025BSE : 538596
Sector : Infrastructure
ISIN Code : INE222B01028
Last Updated: 12-Mar-2025 | 04:01 PM IST
Market Cap (₹ Cr) | 11 |
Traded Value (₹ Cr) | 0.00 |
Volume (Shares) | 501 |
Face Value (₹) | 10 |
52-Week High (₹) | 11.57 |
52-Week High Date | 18-Dec-2024 |
52-Week Low (₹) | 2.80 |
52-Week Low Date | 15-Apr-2024 |
All Time High (₹) | 101.00 |
All Time High Date | 20-Aug-2014 |
All Time Low (₹) | 0.78 |
All Time Low Date | 12-Jan-2018 |
Market Cap (₹ Cr) | 11 |
EPS - TTM (₹) [S] | 0.00 |
P/E Ratio (X) [S] | - |
Face Value (₹) | 10 |
Latest Dividend (%) | - |
Latest Dividend Date | - |
Dividend Yield (%) | - |
Book Value Share (₹) [S] | 1.12 |
P/B Ratio (₹) [S] | 3.99 |
Scheme Name | Amount Invested (₹ Cr) | No Of Shares | Net Asset (%) |
Data Not Found |
Date | Broker | Action | Prices(₹) | Report |
Data Not Found |
Today's Low/High (₹) | 4.45 4.60 |
Week Low/High (₹) | 3.04 4.60 |
Month Low/High (₹) | 3.04 4.60 |
Year Low/High (₹) | 2.80 12.00 |
All time Low/High (₹) | 0.78 101.00 |
Period | BSE | NSE | SENSEX | NIFTY |
1 Week | 33.04% | - | 22.97% | 27.64% |
1 Month | 14.91% | - | 19.03% | 23.24% |
3 Month | 7.97% | - | 19.93% | 24.47% |
6 Month | 14.03% | - | 25.04% | 29.23% |
1 Year | -37.74% | - | 24.11% | 27.96% |
3 Year | -25.62% | - | 82.98% | 91.93% |
Managing Director : Guduru Satyanarayana
Non Executive Director : Kodali Vijaya Rani
Independent Director : K Saraswathi Kumar
Independent Director : Muppuri Snehith
Independent Director : Nalluri Venkata Chalapathi Rao
Registered Office: 8-1-405/A/66 Dream Valley, Near OU Colony Shaikpet,Hyderabad,Telangana-500008 Ph: 91-040-23568766
1. What's the Quantum Build-Tech Ltd share price today?
Quantum Build-Tech Ltd share price was Rs 4.47 at 16:01 PM IST on 12th Mar 2025. Quantum Build-Tech Ltd share price was down by 4.89% from the previous closing price of Rs 4.70. Quantum Build-Tech Ltd share price trend:
2. How can I quickly analyse the performance of the Quantum Build-Tech Ltd stock?
The performance of the Quantum Build-Tech Ltd stock can be quickly analysed on the following metrics:
3. What is the market cap of Quantum Build-Tech Ltd?
Quantum Build-Tech Ltd has a market capitalisation of Rs 11 crore.
4. What is Quantum Build-Tech Ltd's 52-week high/low share price?
The Quantum Build-Tech Ltd’s 52-week high share price is Rs 11.57 and 52-week low share price is Rs 2.80.
5. Is the Quantum Build-Tech Ltd profitable?
On a consolidated basis, Quantum Build-Tech Ltd reported a loss of Rs -0.06 crore on a total income of Rs 0.00 crore for the quarter ended 2024. For the year ended Sep 2022, Quantum Build-Tech Ltd had posted a loss of Rs -0.06 crore on a total income of Rs 0.00 crore.
6. Which are Quantum Build-Tech Ltd’s peers in the Infrastructure sector?
Quantum Build-Tech Ltd’s top 5 peers in the Infrastructure sector are Eurotex Industri, Ladam Affordab., Gyan Developers, Quantum Build, Gallops Enterp., Anna Infrastruct, Sanathnagar Ent..
7. Who owns how much in Quantum Build-Tech Ltd?
Key changes to the Quantum Build-Tech Ltd shareholding are as follows: