Shares of IndusInd Bank (IIB) were up 3 per cent at Rs 1,174 on the BSE in Wednesday’s otherwise range-bound market. The upmove came after UBS upgraded the private sector lender to 'buy' from 'neutral'.
The stock was trading higher for the third straight day and has rallied 9 per cent during this period. It had hit a 52-week high of Rs 1,275.25 on September 20, 2022.
The benign corporate credit cycle and peaking of interest rates are going to be favorable for the bank, according to UBS. Whereas, stable corporate, CV & MFI cycles are going to support operating metrics.
The benign corporate credit cycle and peaking of interest rates are going to be favorable for the bank, according to UBS. Whereas, stable corporate, CV & MFI cycles are going to support operating metrics.
Meanwhile, IIB is likely to get added to the MSCI India Index during the rebalancing exercise in August following a sharp increase in the investment legroom for foreign portfolio investors (FPIs). The addition will be a boost for the private sector lender’s stock price as it could result in inflows of over $300 million (Rs 2,500 crore), the Business Standard reported.