05:48 PM, 26th Dec 2022
Due to clerical error in scanning one page of Consolidated Statements of assets and liabilities for the quarter ended 30th September 2022 was missed.<BR> <BR> The company has uploaded the xbrl sheets (along with both Statement of assets and libilities) within prescribed time on the portal of the exchange hence there is no intention of the company to hide the details from shareholders. Moreover the same is also uploaded on the website of the company.<BR> <BR> The Company has also mailed the full results (with missing page) with reply to mail dated 14/12/2022 regarding Fines as per SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2020/12 dated January 22 2020<BR> <BR> This is a gross technical/clerical scanning error and we are highly sorry for the inconvenience. <BR> Please find again the attached full financials with the missing page of consolidated statement of assets and liabilities(as per query raised) and consider this compliance made good.<BR>