Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) on Tuesday said it has elevated Tablesh Pandey, executive director of the company, as its managing director. His appointment is effective from April 1, 2023, according to a regulatory filing. Pandey will replace present managing director B C Patnaik, it said. LIC presently has four managing directors. Pursuant to a government notification, "Tablesh Pandey, Executive Director, LIC of India, has been appointed as Managing Director, LIC vice B C Patnaik with effect from the date of assumption of charge of the office on or after 1st April, 2023...," the company said.
February is generally one of the busiest periods for life insurance companies
The state-owned insurer's market value is now down Rs 2.4 trillion, or 40 per cent, compared to initial public offering levels
LIC made stock market debut on May 17, 2022, and is trading 40 per cent below its issue price of Rs 949 per share
Has provided a link on its website through which policyholders can get this exercise done
Analysts expect stocks to remain under pressure in the near-term as the government's new tax regime push, with no tax saving deductions, could hurt demand for insurance products
Earlier this month, Finance Secretary TV Somanathan had termed the Adani issue a 'storm in a teacup'
Analysts expect modest RoEV given lower margin profile than private peers
LIC earned a total premium of Rs 37,545 crore on an APE (annualised premium equivalent) basis for the nine months ended December 31
Technically, prior to this announcement, the price structure of SBI Life Insurance Company and Max Financial Services were highlighting a bullish sentiment and were on the verge of the next up move
Stocks to watch today: The Board of Adani Enterprises (AEL) has announced that it will not go-ahead with the fully subscribed Follow-on Public Offer (FPO)
Stocks to Watch today: Stock exchanges BSE and NSE on Monday revised the circuit limits for three Adani group companies - Adani Total Gas, Adani Transmission, and Adani Green Energy - from 20% to 10%
Will engage with Adani management for clarifications Hindenburg charges
They are likely to succeed two of the four MDs who are are retiring soon
Analysts positive on most of the stocks, especially SBI Life, HDFC Life and LIC
Stocks to Watch: TCS reported 11 per cent YoY growth in Q3 net, while revenue beat analyst expectations at Rs 58,229 crore.
LIC witnessed a moderation in premia because of a decline in group single premia. LIC is the largest player in the group single premium market
Kotak Institutional Equities has initiated coverage on Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) with a 'buy' rating and a fair value of Rs 1,000
Says insurance giant is well-placed to make most of a composite license; in fact it was a composite insurer till early 1970s, when Oriental Insurance was carved out
Adani Wilmar, Venus Pipes & Tubes, Hariom Pipe Industries and Veranda Learning Solutions are the top multi-bagger debutants that delivered 109-135 per cent returns in 2022