BSE : 519388
Sector : Industrials
Market Cap (₹ Cr) | - |
Traded Value (₹ Cr) | 0.00 |
Volume (Shares) | - |
52-Week High (₹) | 0.00 |
52-Week High Date | - |
52-Week Low (₹) | 0.00 |
52-Week Low Date | - |
All Time High (₹) | 0.00 |
All Time High Date | - |
All Time Low (₹) | - |
All Time Low Date | - |
Scheme Name | Amount Invested (₹ Cr) | No Of Shares | Net Asset (%) |
Data Not Found |
Date | Broker | Action | Prices(₹) | Report |
Data Not Found |
Year Low/High (₹) | 0.00 0.00 |
All time Low/High (₹) | 1.75 33.00 |
Period | BSE | NSE | SENSEX | NIFTY |
1 Week | - | - | 22.97% | 27.64% |
1 Month | - | - | 19.03% | 23.24% |
3 Month | - | - | 19.93% | 24.47% |
6 Month | - | - | 25.04% | 29.23% |
1 Year | - | - | 24.11% | 27.96% |
3 Year | - | - | 82.98% | 91.93% |
5. Is the J K Leatherite Ltd profitable?
On a consolidated basis, J K Leatherite Ltd reported a profit of Rs 0.00 crore on a total income of Rs 0.01 crore for the quarter ended 2013. For the year ended Dec 2013, J K Leatherite Ltd had posted a profit of Rs 0.00 crore on a total income of Rs 0.01 crore.
6. Which are J K Leatherite Ltd’s peers in the Industrials sector?
J K Leatherite Ltd’s top 5 peers in the Industrials sector are Aadi Industries, Innocorp, Jauss Polymers.