Book Building
₹ 364.46 cr
₹ 195
₹ 5,850.00
The Shares of Den Networks Ltd have now been listed.
Public issue of 18,567,240 equity shares of Rs. 10 each (Equity Share) for cash at a price of Rs. 195 per equity share of Den Networks Limited (The company) (Including a share premium of Rs. 185 per equity share) Aggregating Rs. 364.46 Crores (Hereinafter referred to as the issue). The issue comprises a net issue to the public of 18,317,240 equity shares (The net issue) and a reservation of up to 250,000 equity shares for subscription by eligible employees (As Defined Herein) (The employee reservation portion). The issue would constitute up to 14.23% of the post issue paid-up equity capital of the company . The net issue would constitute 14.04% of the post issue paid-up equity capital of the company.Issue price: Rs. 195 per equity share (Anchor Investor issue price Rs. 205 per equity share)The Face value of the equity shares is Rs. 10 and The Issue price is 19.5 times the face value
Invest in the development of cable Telev. Infrast.. Invest in the deve. of cable broadband infrastruc.. Invest in acquisition of content& broadband rights. Repay certain loans availed by the company. Fund expenditure for general corporate purposes.
Den Networks Ltd, Plot No 17-24, Vittal Rao Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad-500081
Phone - 91-040-44655185/44655000
Fax - 91-040-23420814/23420857
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