05:41 PM, 28th Dec 2022
This is in reference to above captioned subject and in compliance with Regulation 30 of the SEBI (LORD)Reg 2015 that the company Indian Sucrose Limited filed a suo-moto application under section 441 of the companies Act 2013 for compounding of offence committed u/s 129 of the Companies Act 2013 before The Regional Director (Northern Region) NewDelhi to settle inadvertent non- compliance required to be made under section 129(3) of the Companies Act 2013 for the Financial Year 2017-2018 in the matter of Indian Sucrose Ltd. Pursuant to which the matter was compounded with the Regional Director (Northern Region) New Delhi vide Company Application No. RDNR /1518/COMP/129/F30847982 and the Compounding order was issued in this respect by Regional Director (NR) New Delhi vide Endt . No. RDNR/1518/ COMP/129/F30847982/12110 dated 23rd day of December 2022.