03:51 PM, 3rd Feb 2023
Pursuant to Regulation 39(3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015 we would like to inform you that the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company i.e. Link Intime India Private Limited has received below mentioned intimation / request(s) for Loss of Share Certificate(s) / issuance of duplicate share certificate(s) from the following shareholder(s):Sr. No. Name Folio No. Cert. No. Number of Shares Dist. No.From Dist. No.To1 WAJIDALI RANGOONWALA W000012 20698 50 2494001 2494050 2 WAJIDALI RANGOONWALA W000012 20699 50 2494051 2494100 We shall issue the duplicate Share Certificate(s) only after the necessary formalities are carried out by the Shareholder(s).This may be taken as compliance under the Listing Regulations.