01:52 PM, 24th Dec 2022
Preferential Issuance of up to 5791068 (Fifty Seven Lakh Ninety-One Thousand Sixty Eight) Equity shares of face valueof Rs.10/- each (Equity Shares) of the Company topromoter and non-promoter on a preferential basis(Preferential Issue) in accordance with Chapter V ofthe Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue ofCapital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2018(SEBI ICDR Regulations) as amended and otherapplicable laws at a price of Rs.12/- per Equity Sharesubject to the approval of regulatory/ statutoryauthorities as may be applicable and after approval ofthe shareholders of the Company at the Extra OrdinaryGeneral Meeting held on 24 December 2022 . Theinformation in this regards pursuant to Regulation 30 ofthe SEBI Listing Regulations read with SEBI CircularNo. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 9 2015