01:06 PM, 11th Aug 2022
Pursuant to regulation 33 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 the Company isrequired to submit its unaudited/audited financial results on quarterly and yearly basis within the prescribed time limit. All the executive directors of the Company CFO and Company Secretary have resigned from the Company before commencement of CIRP. In the absence of these concerned officials who are primarily responsible for book closure process and financial reporting the Resolution Professional has got these financial statements prepared through present employees of the Company and hired consultant.The RP hereby submits the standalone unaudited financial results along with Limited Review Report for the quarter ended 30.06.2022.The financial results have been filed in the PDF mode only as the requisite particulars for filing in XBRL mode like date and time of board meeting where such results were approved cannot be furnished in the absence of any directors and convening of board meeting