₹24.92 4.58 (22.52%)
16:01 PM, 12-Mar-2025BSE : 534733
Sector : Others
ISIN Code : INE175N01023
Last Updated: 12-Mar-2025 | 04:01 PM IST
Market Cap (₹ Cr) | 384 |
Traded Value (₹ Cr) | 0.18 |
Volume (Shares) | 73,199 |
Face Value (₹) | 1 |
52-Week High (₹) | 60.00 |
52-Week High Date | 21-Oct-2024 |
52-Week Low (₹) | 10.31 |
52-Week Low Date | 21-Mar-2024 |
All Time High (₹) | 60.00 |
All Time High Date | 21-Oct-2024 |
All Time Low (₹) | 0.28 |
All Time Low Date | 28-May-2020 |
Market Cap (₹ Cr) | 384 |
EPS - TTM (₹) [S] | 0.00 |
P/E Ratio (X) [S] | - |
Face Value (₹) | 1 |
Latest Dividend (%) | - |
Latest Dividend Date | - |
Dividend Yield (%) | - |
Book Value Share (₹) [S] | 3.53 |
P/B Ratio (₹) [S] | 7.06 |
Scheme Name | Amount Invested (₹ Cr) | No Of Shares | Net Asset (%) |
Data Not Found |
Date | Broker | Action | Prices(₹) | Report |
Data Not Found |
Today's Low/High (₹) | 24.92 24.92 |
Week Low/High (₹) | 4.25 24.92 |
Month Low/High (₹) | 4.25 24.92 |
Year Low/High (₹) | 10.31 60.00 |
All time Low/High (₹) | 0.28 60.00 |
Period | BSE | NSE | SENSEX | NIFTY |
1 Week | 435.91% | - | 22.97% | 27.64% |
1 Month | 370.19% | - | 19.03% | 23.24% |
3 Month | 646.11% | - | 19.93% | 24.47% |
6 Month | 518.36% | - | 25.04% | 29.23% |
1 Year | 424.63% | - | 24.11% | 27.96% |
3 Year | 730.67% | - | 82.98% | 91.93% |
Company Secretary : Shalaka Modi
Non Executive Director : Amisha Milan Shah
Managing Director : Milan Bhupendra Shah
Non Executive Director : Akanksha Sunny
Non Executive Director : VIRENDRA SINGH VERMA
Non Executive Director : Sanjay Ram Takale
Registered Office: 1104 A Wing Naman Midtown, 11 th floor Senapati bapat mar,Mumbai,Maharashtra-400019 Ph: 91-22-24391933
1. What's the Aerpace Industries Ltd share price today?
Aerpace Industries Ltd share price was Rs 24.92 at 16:01 PM IST on 12th Mar 2025. Aerpace Industries Ltd share price was up by 22.52% over the previous closing price of Rs 20.34. Aerpace Industries Ltd share price trend:
2. How can I quickly analyse the performance of the Aerpace Industries Ltd stock?
The performance of the Aerpace Industries Ltd stock can be quickly analysed on the following metrics:
3. What is the market cap of Aerpace Industries Ltd?
Aerpace Industries Ltd has a market capitalisation of Rs 384 crore.
4. What is Aerpace Industries Ltd's 52-week high/low share price?
The Aerpace Industries Ltd’s 52-week high share price is Rs 60.00 and 52-week low share price is Rs 10.31.
5. Is the Aerpace Industries Ltd profitable?
On a consolidated basis, Aerpace Industries Ltd reported a loss of Rs -2.08 crore on a total income of Rs 0.84 crore for the quarter ended 2024. For the year ended Dec 2024, Aerpace Industries Ltd had posted a loss of Rs -2.49 crore on a total income of Rs 0.19 crore.
6. Which are Aerpace Industries Ltd’s peers in the Others sector?
Aerpace Industries Ltd’s top 5 peers in the Others sector are Harshil Agrotech, Mehai Technology, Shankar Lal Ram., Aerpace Indus, Alstone Textiles, Saraswati, Riddhi Siddhi Gl.
7. Who owns how much in Aerpace Industries Ltd?
Key changes to the Aerpace Industries Ltd shareholding are as follows: