10:57 AM, 10th Jan 2023
Sub: Clarification of Price Movement in the securityRe: Scrip Code: 516092Ref: Your email letter L/SURV/ONL/PV/SR/2022-2023/2954 dated 09th January 2023.Dear Sir/MadamWith reference to captioned subject we would like to inform you that as on date and in the recent past there has been no material information/ event having bearing on operations/performance of the Company which required disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations an Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015.Further we would like to inform you that all the events information etc. Which have a bearing on the performance/operations of the Company are intimated to the Exchange(s) on immediate basis as per Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015.Kindly take the above information on your records.