Adventure watchmaker Garmin on Thursday launched in India the Instinct Crossover and Instinct Crossover Solar smartwatches. Priced Rs 55,990 onwards, the watches will be available for purchase online on e-commerce platform Amazon India, Tata CLiQ, Tata Luxury, Synergizer, Flipkart and Nykaa, and offline at Garmin stores and Helios watch stores.
"Garmin brings a hybrid GPS multi-sport smartwatch in India that redefines the modern adventure smartwatch, as the pandemic dread subsides and people in India start stepping out for outdoor tracking, travelling, and driving," said Yeshudas Pillai, Country Head, Garmin India.
Instinct Crossover Series smartwatches: Features
The smartwatches
"Garmin brings a hybrid GPS multi-sport smartwatch in India that redefines the modern adventure smartwatch, as the pandemic dread subsides and people in India start stepping out for outdoor tracking, travelling, and driving," said Yeshudas Pillai, Country Head, Garmin India.
Instinct Crossover Series smartwatches: Features
The smartwatches