German audio and electronics brand Blaupunkt on Friday launched in India the BTW300. Priced at Rs 1,499, the wireless earphones are available for purchase on the e-commerce platform Amazon India. The earphones boast environment noise-cancellation (ENC) technology and fast wired charging. Below are other details:
Blaupunkt BTW300 wireless earphones: Specifications
Powered by Bluetooth version 5.3, the Blaupunkt BTW300 wireless earphones feature ‘Bass Demon Tech’ for audio output with enhanced bass levels. According to the company, the bass enhancement feature drives the low frequency output without compromising on sound quality. For voice calls, the earphones support active ENC technology
Blaupunkt BTW300 wireless earphones: Specifications
Powered by Bluetooth version 5.3, the Blaupunkt BTW300 wireless earphones feature ‘Bass Demon Tech’ for audio output with enhanced bass levels. According to the company, the bass enhancement feature drives the low frequency output without compromising on sound quality. For voice calls, the earphones support active ENC technology