Sunday, February 23, 2025 | 05:05 PM ISTहिंदी में पढें
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Guilty without guilt in IAS

H C Gupta's case tells us how the 'system' works to punish the non-corrupt. And if this is how it's going to be, who would risk taking a decision?


Shekhar Gupta
Does the name H.C. Gupta ring a bell? If it doesn’t, it means three things. One, that you haven’t been reading the newspapers carefully. Two, you don’t care for what fate befalls straightforward and honest public servants while the corrupt get away. And three, that you should then stop complaining that economic reforms run into bureaucratic roadblocks.

We know that H.C. Gupta is a common enough name. And no, he is no relation of mine. This is no ordinary H.C. Gupta. He is an IAS officer of the 1971 batch who rose to be Union coal secretary and has been convicted
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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