Sunday, February 23, 2025 | 07:00 PM ISTहिंदी में पढें
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Flashback to the future

The sturdy Ambassador flourished at a time when the only other competitor was the Premier Padmini, made with Fiat technology


Kanika Datta
Last month, two corporate announcements within weeks of each other offered a flashback to another era in Indian consumer markets. On May 5 came the announcement that Tata Consumer Products was planning a re-entry into the “non-foods” fast moving consumer goods or personal care products. On May 25, reports mentioned that the joint venture between Hindustan Motors and Peugeot would roll out an updated version of the Ambassador in two years.

At the very least, both companies must be considered plucky and ambitious. Their businesses flourished when consumer markets were relatively small and protected by high tariff barriers. Both markets have
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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