Sunday, February 23, 2025 | 12:02 PM ISTहिंदी में पढें
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Education as disguised unemployment

As the labour market is unable to absorb new labour, the composition of the workforce (those who are employed) is increasingly ageing


Mahesh Vyas
India’s labour force is getting older and also less educated. This is not the composition that the famed phenomenon of demographic dividend had expected to deliver. The phenomenon was supposed to help India reap a once-in-a-lifetime benefit from a large contingent of young population. This was the bulge of young population in India’s age-gender population pyramid. The more educated this young population, the better. If employed, this large young population was expected to deliver higher growth and savings. But, if the composition of the labour force and of the employed population is getting increasingly older and less educated then the
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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