Saturday, February 01, 2025 | 12:11 PM ISTEN Hindi
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Budget 2023: What does the announcement related to P-notes indicate?

Clearly, the govt is worried about inflows in 2022 because of the global economic uncertainty and has decided to encourage inflows via any means possible, PNs included


T C A Srinivasa-Raghavan
Amidst the shock of the Adani downfall and the schadenfreude of the deflation of the Adani businesses, an important bit of the Budget for 2023-24 has received inadequate attention, especially from the political parties. This is the announcement regarding participatory notes, more commonly known as P-notes or PNs.

P-notes are a unique Indian financial instrument that allow investors to invest money in the Indian stock market anonymously. Foreign institutional investors issue these notes to persons wishing to invest in India but not wishing to become known to the authorities. They are a boon to Indian tax evaders, over invoices and
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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