Shares of YES Bank moved 15 per cent higher to Rs 17.46, and hit the highest level since January 2021, on the BSE in Tuesday's intra-day trade. The stock of the private sector lender surpassed its previous high of Rs 17.55 that it had touched on January 25, 2021.
In the past three trading days, YES Bank gained 20 per cent after the bank announced to raise equity capital of around 1.1 billion (Rs 8,900 crore) from funds affiliated with two global private equity investors - Carlyle and Advent International, with each investor potentially acquiring up to 10 per
In the past three trading days, YES Bank gained 20 per cent after the bank announced to raise equity capital of around 1.1 billion (Rs 8,900 crore) from funds affiliated with two global private equity investors - Carlyle and Advent International, with each investor potentially acquiring up to 10 per