Shares of Varun Beverages (VBL) hit a record high of Rs 805.45, soaring 5 per cent on the BSE in Wednesday's intra-day trade. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 0.15 per cent at 52,613 points at 09:22 AM.
The stock has surged 8 per cent in the past two days, in an otherwise a weak market, on expectations of strong earnings.
Moreover, in the past three months, VBL has outperformed the market by surging nearly 35 per cent, as compared to 7 per cent decline in the benchmark index. VBL went ex-bonus on June 6th, in the
The stock has surged 8 per cent in the past two days, in an otherwise a weak market, on expectations of strong earnings.
Moreover, in the past three months, VBL has outperformed the market by surging nearly 35 per cent, as compared to 7 per cent decline in the benchmark index. VBL went ex-bonus on June 6th, in the