Shares of Syngene International traded 1 per cent lower at Rs 573.95 at 10:14 AM after nearly 6 per cent of the company's equity changed hands via block deals on the BSE on Tuesday.
At 09:15 am; around 22.68 million equity shares representing 5.65 per cent of the total equity of Syngene changed hands on the BSE at price of Rs 585.80, the exchange data shows. The names of the buyers and sellers are not ascertained immediately.
The stock opened 3 per cent lower at Rs 561.75 against its previous close of Rs 578.75 on the BSE. It
At 09:15 am; around 22.68 million equity shares representing 5.65 per cent of the total equity of Syngene changed hands on the BSE at price of Rs 585.80, the exchange data shows. The names of the buyers and sellers are not ascertained immediately.
The stock opened 3 per cent lower at Rs 561.75 against its previous close of Rs 578.75 on the BSE. It