Shares of Delta Corp tanked 9 per cent to Rs 165.15 on the BSE in Thursday’s intra-day trade, and were down as much as 11 per cent from its day’s high amid the uncertainity over taxation on casinos.
The GST Council on Wednesday decided to refer the report of the GoM (Group of Ministers) on casinos, online gaming and horse racing back to the panel of ministers for further deliberation.
The finance minister of Goa wanted further discussions on GST rate to be applicable on casinos and in that context both online gaming and horse racing too would
The GST Council on Wednesday decided to refer the report of the GoM (Group of Ministers) on casinos, online gaming and horse racing back to the panel of ministers for further deliberation.
The finance minister of Goa wanted further discussions on GST rate to be applicable on casinos and in that context both online gaming and horse racing too would