Shares of Deepak Nitrite dipped 5 per cent to Rs 1,940 on the BSE in Friday’s firm market after the company's manufacturing facility in the Nandesari GIDC area in Vadodara caught a massive fire following five chemical blasts on Thursday.
After the accident, the company released a statement saying it was monitoring the situation and that the loss of property was insured.
At 12:38 pm; the stock was trading 3.5 per cent lower at Rs 1,974, as compared to a 0.70 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. The trading volumes on the counter had jumped over
After the accident, the company released a statement saying it was monitoring the situation and that the loss of property was insured.
At 12:38 pm; the stock was trading 3.5 per cent lower at Rs 1,974, as compared to a 0.70 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. The trading volumes on the counter had jumped over