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The World Bank has approved loans totalling USD 1.75 billion (about Rs 13,834.54 crore) to fund India's PM Ayushman Bharat scheme and private investment to boost the economic growth. Of the total loan, USD 1 billion will go towards the health sector, while the rest USD 750 million will be in the form of development policy loan (DPL) to fill the financing gaps through private sector investment in the economy. The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved two complementary loans of USD 500 million each to support and enhance India's health sector. Through this combined financing of USD 1 billion, the World Bank will support India's flagship Pradhan Mantri-Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (PM-ABHIM), launched in October 2021, the World Bank said in a release on Friday. The funds will be used to improve public healthcare infrastructure across the country. In addition to the national-level interventions, one of the loans will prioritize seven states namely Andhra .
Gireesh BabuThe International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), part of World Bank, will provide a $318 million loan for the Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation Project to promote climate resilient agriculture technologies, improve water mangement practices and increase market opportunities for small and marginal farmers. About 500,000 farmers, of which a majority are small and marginal, are expected to benefit from improved and modernized tank irrigation systems.The Government of India, the Government of Tamil Nadu and the World Bank today signed a loan agreement in this regard. The project will rehabilitate and modernise about 4,800 irrigation tanks and 477 check dams, spread across 66 sub-basins, in delivering bulk water to irrigation systems. The loan has a five year grace period and a maturity of 19 years.A water-stressed state, Tamil Nadu continue to experience water shortages which are expected to further worsen in the future. The works on irrigation ...