
How James Webb revealed a bright, complex and element-filled early universe

How the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed a surprisingly bright, complex and element-filled early universe

Updated On: 16 Dec 2022 | 11:21 AM IST

Jupiter to be closest to Earth in 59 years today; here's how to watch

Jupiter is coming closer to Earth than it has since 1963. This is due to Earth and Jupiter's differing orbits around the sun, they do not pass each other at the same distance each time

Updated On: 26 Sep 2022 | 10:59 PM IST

Astronomers find new Saturn-like planet hiding in disc through novel method

All astronomers concur that planets are created in protoplanetary discs, which are the bands of gas and dust that encircle newly formed, young stars. Even though the universe has hundreds of these discs, it has been challenging to observe genuine planetary birth and development in these settings.Currently, astronomers at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian have created a novel method to find these elusive newborn planets, along with "smoking gun" proof of a small Neptune or Saturn-like planet hiding in a disc. The Astrophysical Journal Letters today published a description of the findings.According to Feng Long, a postdoctoral scholar at the Center for Astrophysics and project leader, "directly finding young planets is highly tough and has thus far only been effective in one or two situations." Because they are encased in substantial amounts of gas and dust, planets are always too dim for us to see them.Instead, they must look for signs that a planet is forming ..

Updated On: 15 Sep 2022 | 10:52 AM IST

Nasa's Hubble findings may provide insights into formation of Universe

Stars are the machines that sculpt the universe, yet scientists don't fully know how they form

Updated On: 11 Sep 2022 | 6:51 AM IST

How James Webb Space Telescope lets us see first galaxies in the universe

It has been an exciting week with the release of breathtaking photos of our Universe by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Images such as the one below give us a chance to see distant galaxies

Updated On: 18 Jul 2022 | 5:35 PM IST

James Webb telescope captures images of universe: How astronomy will change

Unveiled by US president Joe Biden, the stunning image of SMACS 0723, a cluster of thousands of galaxies, was released on July 11

Updated On: 17 Jul 2022 | 12:50 PM IST

James Webb Space Telescope can help astronomers in search for alien life

Many astronomers believe there's a good chance that life exists on planets orbiting other stars, and it's possible that's where life will first be found

Updated On: 17 Jul 2022 | 12:24 PM IST

Earth to witness biggest supermoon of the year today: Check details

The supermoon be visible for the next three days and people across the world would be able to see till Friday morning, according to Nasa

Updated On: 13 Jul 2022 | 2:12 PM IST

10 years since the 'God Particle': What it revealed & why it matters

Higgs boson allows scientists to make better guesses about the universe's structure in the first 10 microseconds after the Big Bang

Updated On: 08 Jul 2022 | 12:38 PM IST

In human quest for life beyond Earth, distance acts as a barrier

Caballero has looked at wars and invasions since 1915 to figure out how likely it is that an alien civilisation would be malicious

Updated On: 03 Jun 2022 | 6:10 AM IST

Aliens and civilisations beyond Earth: Pentagon report adds to UFO enigma

Report references 144 incidents since 2004 where US service personnel reported close encounters with unidentifiable aerial objects

Updated On: 01 Jul 2021 | 6:10 AM IST

Looking beyond for life

The recent announcement of the presence of phosphine - a biosignature - in the upper part of Venus' thick atmosphere has revived the age-old question: Are we alone?

Updated On: 17 Oct 2020 | 12:32 AM IST

In a big year for science, we learnt a lot more about the universe

Enough for us to hope that 2020 will bring more in the way of advances in our understanding of the universe around us

Updated On: 27 Dec 2019 | 10:24 PM IST

And there was light: How the universe came out of a cosmic dark age

Soon after the Big Bang, the universe went completely dark

Updated On: 31 Aug 2017 | 12:43 PM IST

Universe is expanding faster than expected

The discovery was made by refining the universe's current expansion rate to unprecedented accuracy, reducing the uncertainty to only 2.4%

Updated On: 03 Jun 2016 | 1:02 PM IST

Mysterious infrared light from space detected by ALMA

Researchers went through the vast amount of ALMA data taken during about 900 days in total looking for faint objects

Updated On: 11 Mar 2016 | 2:30 PM IST