Budget 2023: Analysts said the Budget push in the capital expenditure (capex) outlays across sectors and the income tax relief have been the top boosters to support the domestic economy
Budget 2023: Raising of tax slabs along with reduction in peak surcharge shall result in around Rs 35,000 crore being saved by tax payers and hopefully being spent to boost consumption
Reduction of license fee to 1 %, lower customs duties, and a clearer definition of Gross revenue among key industry demands submitted in budget recommendations
The Paris-based organization said it is revising up calculations of potential fiscal gains based on data showing more profits of the biggest global companies would be captured
With such a surge in tax collections, government would look to unleash reforms in the coming 2023-24 fiscal, especially as far as tax administration is concerned
China's property market has been a key driver of the country's economic growth, but it has been hit this year by tighter regulations and a liquidity crisis