Priced at Rs 14,990, the Sennheiser IE 200, will be available for pre-order on January 17, and will go on sale from January 31 across online and leading retail outlets in India
German audio brand Sennheiser on Tuesday launched special anniversary edition of Momentum True Wireless 2 earbuds with active noise cancellation (ANC) for 24,990 in India.
German audio giant Sennheiser on Tuesday launched its new wireless headphones in India - the Sennheiser HD 250BT and wireless earphones - the Sennheiser CX 120BT.
Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 are capable true wireless stereo earphones that do not compromise on parameters like connectivity, design, and performance that define good wireless earphones
The earphones boasts Bluetooth 5.0 for fast and reliable connectivity, 10-hour battery life and portable design. Both the earphones will be available from March 3 onward