The Delhi High Court reserved its order in a plea against the practice of sticking gods' images and posters on walls in order to prevent public urination, spitting, and throwing garbage
The petitioner, while seeking statutory backing to the Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (UCPMP), said that corruption in pharma marketing practices is yet unregulated in India
This PIL business is stealing attention from other important matters, the Supreme Court observed when a matter related to the expansion of Karwar port in Karnataka was mentioned for urgent listing
The RBI made the submission in response to a PIL alleging that online payments platform Paytm was providing lending facilities in violation of the law regulating such activity
PM has tasked NITI Aayog to deliver a 15 year vision for India. Underpinning this commendable initiative is the widely shared assumption that India will grow at least at 8& on average every year