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Capital markets regulator Sebi on Monday cautioned investors against unauthorised money mobilisation by entities claiming to provide portfolio management services. Further, the regulator noted that these entities have been luring the public, with a promise of high returns, through pamphlets and social media platforms. It was observed that in such schemes, the entities have been mobilising money in relatively smaller amounts and promising assured returns, Sebi said in a statement. The advisory comes after the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) noted that some entities are collecting money from the public claiming to provide portfolio management services. Some of the entities have names similar to that of Sebi-registered intermediaries, misleading the public, as though the fund raising is genuine and done by entities registered with the regulator. Sebi, therefore, cautioned "investors not to fall prey to such unauthorised money collection" and advised them to deal only wit
With investors looking at options beyond the traditional investment routes for higher risk-adjusted returns, assets under management of the portfolio management industry rose nearly 17 per cent in the last one year to Rs 25.4 lakh crore at July-end. Going ahead, the trend looks positive for the ongoing fiscal year with Portfolio Management Services (PMSs) getting acceptability by a wider customer segment, including retail, industry experts said. Assets Under Management (AUM) of the portfolio management industry rose to Rs 25.4 lakh crore at the end of July 2022 from Rs 21.77 lakh crore at the end of July last year, translating into a growth of 17 per cent, latest with markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) showed. The asset base was Rs 24.8 lakh crore at the end of June this year. Of the total AUM, Rs 18.6 lakh crore are contributed by funds from EPFO or PFs. As of July 2022, there were 1.45 lakh clients in the portfolio management industry, of which 1.36
With sophisticated investors looking beyond traditional retail-oriented investments, Portfolio Management Services (PMS) and Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) structures are gaining massive traction and the assets base of these products is expected to cross Rs 50 lakh crore by 2031. PMS and AIF are emerging as strong alternatives to grow wealth and investments, PMS Bazaar said at the annual summit 'PMS & AIF 4.0: Alternative Assets For All Seasons'. PMS Bazaar is a platform for investors and intermediaries looking for PMS and AIF information, analytics and comparisons to help investors create wealth using this wealth-building medium. "By 2031, the PMS and AIF industry is expected to cross Rs 50 lakh crore on the back of 20 per cent CAGR (compound annual growth rate) growth," it said. It further said PMS and AIF products generate healthy returns, achieve better penetration and thrive in a favourable regulatory landscape. According to official data, assets under management of ...