Priced at Rs 89,999, the smartphone will be available for purchase on March 17 (today) at 12 noon on OPPO online store, Flipkart, and select retail stores
According to OPPO, the Find N2 Flip is a culmination of five years of R&D that will bring together the best in foldable technology and design to create an inflexion point in the flip phone industry
The OPPO Reno8 T 5G smartphone and Enco Air3 wireless earbuds are available for purchase online on the OPPO online store and Flipkart and offline at select retail outlets
The Reno8 T 5G will offer an improved user experience bolstered by a host of OPPO technologies, the company said in a statement confirming the launch date
Vivo T1x will be made available for purchase tomorrow from 12 pm onwards. Apart from Flipkart, the smartphone can also be purchased from Vivo's official website
Global smartphone brand OPPO launched its latest Reno Series -- Reno8 Pro 5G at Rs 45,999 and Reno8 5G at Rs 29,999 -- in India that offer end-to-end imaging solution and a streamlined unibody design
The OPPO Reno 8 series launch event will kick off at 6 pm. It will livestream on YouTube and Facebook. Tune in here to watch the livestream through the video embedded below
OPPO is hosting an online event on July 18 at 6 pm to launch the Reno 8 and Reno 8 Pro smartphones. Check out the expected specifications and other detail here
Global smart device brand OPPO emerged as the leader in the 'Made in India' smartphone shipments in the first quarter of 2022, recording a 22% (year-on-year) growth, a new report showed on Monday.