Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is facing a server-side issue, making it impossible to update the privacy setting "who can see when I'm online," globally on iOS
She was pivotal in helping the company reach an unparalleled scale of more than two billion active users after Zuckerberg poached her from Google in 2008
The govt has come up with regulations requiring VPN service providers to collect and store a host of personal information from their subscribers. Can the new rules undermine your privacy?
A recent survey on data privacy for children found that while parents were aware of data privacy, the majority were not aware of any laws that protect children's data privacy
TikTok representative said privacy and safety were the company's top priorities and that it had robust policies, processes and technologies in place to help protect all users, especially teenage users
Amid a raging debate over privacy offered by messaging platforms like WhatsApp, terrorist groups from Pakistan are switching to new applications which include one developed by a Turkish company
The feature, which allows people with a user's phone number to find and connect with that user on Twitter, is off by default for users in the European Union where stringent privacy rules are in place